You would be surprised at how much money you could actually save a month if you pay attention to what you are purchasing and the prices by which are stated.
Our last two visits to Walmart alone, we were overcharged on items and double charged for items that weren't even placed in our bags. Wrongly charged for an item that was scanned 3 times instead of two of one kind, and one different brand.
All in all, we saved over ten dollars! Just by paying attention and taking the time to look through the receipt.
I can also state for previous experiences, pay attention to charges on bills. You will also find tons of savings if you pay attention to your bills.
For example, Phone Bills. Phone companies tend to add as many extra fees as possible. Banking on the fact that you will not look or pay attention to your bill.
You may be thinking, "How could this be if I have an all inclusive plan?".
Oh yes! It happens, even with your plan. It will happen. You may even have blocked everything that can be possibly blocked and still be charged in areas that are "blocked". Trust me, I've been on both ends of the spectrum and it has happened. Though it should be easier to keep track of if you know exactly what your bill should be each month and what you are using. Call and talk to CS and they will credit your account ASAP. I have saved hundreds of dollars a year just by keeping tabs. Be it human error or computer error just be vigilant.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Men's apparel 50% off @ OLD NAVY
Check this link out. It's for online purchases only.
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